
If you did not order a DVD at the Naeffenfest and still want one - or if you want to order more:

Please contact Tobias May to order DVDs


Information on formatting: The DVDs are in PAL-standard (used in Europa, Afrika...). (North-) America uses the NTSC -standard. It mainly depends on your player if you will be able to watch the DVD in the U.S. Usually playing them in DVD Players and Computers will be possible.


Have fun watching!


2014 and 1936, '54, '59, '64, '69

Family reunion 2014 and and all old roll films of 1936, '54, '59, '64 and '69

Main film:

Familienfest 2014

23 min View on Vimeo:
(For the password, search on our Facebook Group
for "film" or ask for the password there)


In addition to the Familienfest movie 2014, there are some old silent films (16mm) which have been added to the DVD.

old silent films 1936 black-white 26 min
1954 color 21 min
1959 color 20 min
1964 color 13 min
1969 color 22 min


1994 und 2009

Family reunion 1994 and 2009

Unfortunately an official film from the Naeffenfest 1994 was missing until to day. But Béla Király from Budapest offered his private clips to add to our database! Using those we cut an official film for 1994 and a "bonus" of five small clips about the city guided tour and the apéro on the castle Grünenstein. Thank you very much, Béla!


Live through the memories of past celebrations again: The museum, the train ride, celebration in the Woods, performances, the play, lunch barbeque and dinner, the family trees, dancing, people and conversations!

Main film:


2009 22 min
1994 19 min


Städtliführung in Altstätten 1999 4min
2004 3min
Apéro auf Schloss Grünenstein 1994 4min
1999 4 min
2004 7min


1979 und 2004

Family reunion 1979 and 2004


Family reunion

1979 16 min
2004 38 min


1979 war ein völlig durchnässtes Familienfest, nur kurz war man im Wald, den Festakt und den Zigeuner gab’s dann im Sonnensaal. Der platzte aus allen Nähten und wir fragten uns, wie das so weitergehen könne.


2004 fand das Familienfest bei schönstem Wetter und nur im Wald und auf der Wiese (mit Festzelt) statt.


1974, 1984, 1989 and 1999

Family reunion 1974, 1984, 1989 and 1999


Family reunion

1974 silent 23 min
1984 silent 24 min
1989   17 min
1999 incl. 18 min Polonaise 49 min




1984 Ungetrübtes Schönwetterprogramm


1989 Das Wetter war so schön, dass man gar nicht gerne zum Vesper und Theater in die „Sonne“ hinunter ging.


1999 Wegen Regen fast nur Aufnahmen im Zelt (das sich zum 2. Mal bewährt) sowie von der Polonaise