We present to you the online family tree!
We always knew that it would not be easy to depict the family tree on a computer. Showing a relationship of Father - Mother - Child is relatively easy, but it gets difficult when 2000 people have to be connected. Then come challenges such as the connection of two branches, where the family colors mix. Further complications come with regulating data-access and management (who has the rights to manage who and change their data). Thinking a step further it would be nice to have a function to sign up for the Naeffenfest directly out of the family tree application.
The online family tree is already up and running since 2009, most of the bugs have hopefully been eliminated and new functionality is added bit by bit. Still, if you find any errors or if you see data that needs to be updated or added, please contact us. The more people access and use the family tree the more we can improve it. Send any corrections and suggestions per e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "Fehler im Stammbaum". You can correct mistakes found in your personal data (or that of people you manage) by yourself.
Please use the same address for any other questions you may have: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open the the online family tree
The online family tree can be accessed at www.familytree.naeffenfest.ch, or alternatively at www.stammbaum.naeffenfest.ch.
Here you can find a detailed manual with pictures on how to use the family tree.
Lost your one-time-key? Please notify us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ! (You need the one-time-key for your first access only)