The committee is happy to welcome you on June 21st/22nd/23rd 2024 in Altstätten.

For download and print: in English, Hungarian and German

Invited are

Invited are

All direct descendants of Maria and Johann Mathias Naeff-Dalp, spouses and partners.

You can register directly through the online family tree at This is the preferred way of registering because it simplifies the work on our side a lot. Alternatively, if you can not do the registration via the family tree, you can return the registration form per e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to Tobias May (address listed on the registration form). Please register by April 30, 2024.

For any other communication regarding participation, please send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



We would like to cover the remaining cost of the Familienfest through donations from the family (around CHF 10'000.-). We hope that this allows many families with children to attend. Children and adolescents under the age of 16 do not have to pay a fee.

For Friday night, bring your own food and drinks. The drink reception on Sunday at “Schloss Grünenstein” will be sponsored by the Custer family.

For attendees over the age of 16, the charges will be as follows for Friday, Saturday and Sunday:

Friday evening Saturday day
Saturday night Sunday morning
  • Campfire at the marquee
  • Family reunion movie viewing
  • Bring your own food to BBQ (and food to share)
  • Museum
  • "Stossbahn" (one way)
  • Lunch at the marquee
  • Children's games
  • Dessert buffet
  • Entertainment at the marquee
  • Dinner at the marquee
  • Music
  • Shuttle bus
  • Brunch at the marquee

Adults (over 16 years)

CHF 10.--
EUR 10.--

CHF 90.--
EUR 90.--

CHF 40.--
EUR 40.--

CHF 30.--
EUR 30.--

Please make sure that you always include for who you pay the reunion fee. If you register through our online family tree, please include the 5-digit code with your payment, which you receive after registering (this helps us keeping track of the payments). In case of any concerns or problems, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please also contact us if you need to register further participants or if you need to make changes to your registration.

jean victor balin arrow orange rightPlease make your payment before April 30, 2024 to one of the following bank accounts.

Switzerland CHF:
Verein Johann Matthias Naeff von Altstätten
9450 Altstätten SG, Schweiz

St. Galler Kantonalbank
St. Leonhardstrasse 25
9001 St. Gallen

Account Number: 6280-885-520-00
Post-Account-Nr: 90-219-8
IBAN: CH58 0078 1628 0885 5200 0
BIC/Swift: KBSGCH22 (International: KBSGCH22XXX)
EURO Area:
Niko Kleinmann

Volksbank Stuttgart eG
König-Karl-Str. 41, 70372 Stuttgart

Bankleitzahl: 600 901 00
Account Number: 22 53 95 010
IBAN: DE97 6009 0100 0225 3950 10



We would like to sincerely thank all relatives who have already contributed to the Familienfest fund with a donation. We still hope for more donations to make the Familienfest self-supporting (same bank account as above).

Financial assistance

Financial assistance

If you would like to make use of the Naeffen-fund because of financial reasons (for travelling, reunion fee reductions, ...), please contact Tobias May, Schloss-Strasse 37, CH-8803 Rüschlikon by April 30, 2024.

Dessert buffet

Dessert (Vesper) buffet

We would like you to contribute to our dessert buffet with cakes, sweets and fruits for Saturday afternoon (please packed in containers). You can drop them off on Saturday morning by 10:00 AM at the "Prestegg" parking lot or the courtyard when picking up your name tag. Please indicate on the registration form what you will bring. It would be helpful if you also bring a little tag to label your desserts (and indicate vegan options for example).



As usual we would be happy if you would like to do a short performance (sketch, play, music) after the Dessert buffet (vesper). If you would like to prepare something, please contact Kathrin Rinderknecht-Pfister by the beginning of May. For the play we will read/act about 4 short texts this time. If you would like to take part in one or some of the texts, please also contact Kathrin Rinderknecht-Pfister. If you would just like to be part of the play, please indicate this on your registration and join us on Friday at 7pm at the marquee. If you can not make it on Friday at 7pm or if you can only join on Saturday please also contact Kathrin Rinderknecht-Pfister. We thank you all for your interest and participation!



On Friday June 21st at 8:00 PM, the movies of past family celebrations will be shown at the Hotel Sonne, Altstätten. You can order DVD's of the movies there or at the reunion.



The list of acommodations contains some hotels and camping areas in the area of Altstätten. You should be able to find more accommodations through the internet by searching for "Hotel Altstätten SG". Please make your reservation on time.

If you are booking a room at the Hotel Sonne, mention "Familienfest Spezialpreis" to get a special rate for the weekend.

Parking and shuttle bus to the reunion field

Parking and Transportation to the Reunion Site

Cars can be parked at the car park “Stossplatz” in Altstätten (train stop “Altstätten Stadt”). Some parking spots are reserved for us and are indicated as such by the city of Altstätten. For the transportation to the reunion field we will have as usual a special transport of the Stossbahn train at 11am and twice after. In addition, there is a shuttle bus available which will bring you from the car park “Stossplatz” and back (hourly or depending on need), starting at 10am until about 10pm. The phone number for the shuttle bus will be posted at the "Stossbahn" parking lot.

Driving up to the reunion field and parking along the “Alte Stossstrasse” at the reunion field in the woods is not permitted! We only received the allowance to use the reunion field with this condition. For emergencies, the  committee will organize transportation.

This map shows the location of the "Stossplatz" with the parking (see the yellow arrow).

Host families

Host families

To allow as many relatives as possible from abroad to participate at the reunion, we hope for a number of host families in Switzerland to provide accommodations before and after the celebration. Please indicate your availability on the registration form. A thank you in advance! If you are from abroad and you are looking for an accommodation  with a host family, please add a note to the registration and how many nights before/after you need accommodation for. We will then get you in contact with each other.

If you come from abroad and wish to stay for a few days before and/or after the celebration with a host family, please indicate in the corresponding section of the registration form, how many nights you need accommodation for.

Family tree

Family tree

To keep the family tree up to date and to create the family tree on the large boards at the reunion, we rely on on your help. Please inform us about changes in the family tree through the online family tree or write an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The changes should get to us by early June, 2024 to be reflected on the family tree in the reunion tent.



The reunion would not be possible without you as volunteer! We are asking for volunteers during the reunion (1-2 hours). Volunteers are needed for setting up, preparing the area in the woods, BBQ, around the reunion grounds and in the marquee, help with family members from abroad and older relatives etc. We hope for many volunteer responses on the registration form.